In the last post, we saw that benchmarks don’t always measure what we think they measure. Let’s look at another instance of this problem today, starting with this rather simple benchmark:
2class DataBenchmark {
3 @get:Rule
4 val benchmarkRule = BenchmarkRule()
6 // Generate data in [0..255]
7 private val data = IntArray(65_536) {
8 it % 256
9 }
11 @Test
12 fun processData() {
13 var sum = 0f
14 benchmarkRule.measureRepeated {
15 for (d in data) {
16 if (d < 128) {
17 sum += d / 128f
18 }
19 }
20 }
21 BlackHole.consume(sum)
22 }
This benchmark tests an algorithm that processes an array of values between 0 and 255 (8-bit pixels for instance), and computes the sum of the normalized values for pixels less than 128.
Running this benchmark on a Pixel 6 on Android 15 gives the following result:
186,432 ns DataBenchmark.processData
This in itself doesn’t tell us much, but what if I told you you can make this benchmark ~2.3x
slower without changing the processData()
function? The key is in how we have declared our
test data array:
As declared, the array will contain series of values from 0 to 255, repeated multiple times. Let’s change this declara to make the data random:
If we run the benchmark again on the same device, we get this result:
426,655 ns DataBenchmark.processData
The reason the first version is so much faster is because of
branch prediction. Since we iterate data in order
from 0 to 255 and execute the test if (data < 128)
, the branch predictor will guess correctly
every time (except when going from 127->128 and 255->0). With random data, the predictor will only
be right ~50% of the time, causing a large number of branch misses, and therefore costly pipeline
We can compare the number of branch misses in the two benchmarks to observe this behavior:
BranchMisses min 256.1, median 256.1, max 256.9
BranchMisses min 29,280.5, median 29,388.5, max 29,460.3
That’s 114x more branch misses. Oops.
Speeding up randomized access Link to heading
Now that we are measuring “real-world” data (unless you are only processing gradients, you won’t find perfectly ordered sequences of pixels), we can improve our algorithm and make it branchless at the aarch64 level:
2fun processDataBranchless() {
3 var sum = 0f
4 benchmarkRule.measureRepeated {
5 for (d in dataRandomized) {
6 val f = if (d < 128) d else 0
7 sum += f / 128f
8 }
9 }
10 BlackHole.consume(sum)
By moving the addition outside of the condition, we can change the branch to produce a value that’s
either the original value, or 0 (we could use a min()
as well, but it’s interesting to directly
observe the behavior of an if
here). This in turns allows ART to replace the branch with a
conditional select instruction:
And if the compiler is not smart enough to do it itself, you can always resort to bitwise trickery to achieve the same result:
This solution is not necessary on Android and only works in specific cases, so stick with if
you can. Either way, the benchmark processing randomized data is now just as fast as the original
linear data processor (slightly faster actually since it has fewer branch misses):
timeNs min 186,259.1, median 186,511.5, max 203,527.1
BranchMisses min 256.1, median 256.2, max 264.8
timeNs min 421,986.9, median 424,896.4, max 436,348.3
BranchMisses min 29,269.4, median 29,381.5, max 30,227.5
timeNs min 186,126.9, median 186,360.4, max 190,971.6
BranchMisses min 1.0, median 1.1, max 2.6
timeNs min 186,168.5, median 186,348.8, max 186,750.6
BranchMisses min 1.0, median 2.0, max 2.4
Other subtle behaviors can impact your benchmarks, but that’s a topic for a future post.